Card Suits

HeartsWater Hearts mean happiness in all aspects of life including (but not only) in love. They mean good things especially if more hearts stand together which reinforces their meaning.
ClubsFire Clubs are negative sign. Clubs mean separation, loss, injury, accident or bad luck of some kind. Fortune tellers do not see a club card as a card of death nor predict death of a person on the basis of a club card.
DiamondsEarth Diamonds have positive basic meaning. It could be interpreted as luck and blessing. When there are many diamond cards together it means wealth.
SpadesAir Spades are often considered as a negative sign, but they suggest positive hope for good future, mutual trust and friendship.

Spread 1

past present future

Spread 2

about your thoughts
what you want to find out... what is coming... is this crucial?
what is hidden from you.


format: [num a23456789xjqk][suit hdsc] (space seperated) :: eg: kd xh 3h = (king of diamonds, 10 of hearts, 3 of hearts)